- BlogJanuary 25, 2020 · Leadership,ArtistI now wake up every morning to the quote "[t]he gift you bring is the work you will produce."[1] As I make my bed, I drink my coffee, and I prepare for the day, I am saying this phrase.[2] I think about this from three different assertions as it pertains to my work and my projects: I think...July 25, 2018 · conflict,implicit,biasHarvard in collaboration with other researchers and universities has a website where you can test your Implicit Bias. The project is called Project Implicit. I was excited to prove that I didn't have a strong affinity away from a particular group. And, I was surprised by the results. The...July 19, 2018 · mediation,control,decisionUnlike representing one party in a dispute, or acting as a judge tasked with declaring one party a winner and one party a loser, the mediator's job is to help bring the parties together to a mutually beneficial decision. Few jobs allow a professional to use both caring and intelligence to help...
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